Tuesday, August 30, 2016

2016-8-27 Temple Open House

For the last two weeks, 48 of our sisters helped at the open house at the Freiberg Temple. During the two week open house the temple received over 21,000 visitors, who took the oportunity to learn more about the role of the house of the Lord in our lives. It was a great experience for all who had the opportunity to visit.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

2016-08-19 Finishers Depart

This last week we had several of our wonderful missionaries complete there one and a half to two years of service and go home. Elders and sisters, thank you for all of your hard work and dedication in the work of the Lord.
 Elder and Sister Johnson
 Elder Garner
 Elder Glissmeyer
 Elder Kräftner
 Elder Vellinga
 Elder Dalton Williams
 Elder Winkel
 Sister Gruse
 Sister Jacklin 
Elder and Sister Hubrich
Goodbye! We love you and miss you!

2016-08-23 Visa Waiter Arrives

We welcome Elder Fuchs to our mission as he waits for his Visa. Elder Fuchs will be serving in the Russia Yekaterinburg Mission russian speaking.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

2016-08-16 New Missionaries Arrive

We welcome our nineteen new missionaries fresh from the MTC, and wish you good luck. We are grateful to be serving with you.
Sister Gines and Sister Ahlers
Sister Ellis and Sister Jarrett-Clark
Sister Hope and Sister Busche
Sister Darton and Sister Swapp
Sister Wayment and Sister Skalka
Sister Hammer and Sister Redd
Elder Green and Elder Shamo
Elder Gerlach and Elder Skidmore
Elder Castillo and Elder Hunt
Elder Gunther and Elder McLaws
Elder Clemens and Elder Wadsworth
Elder Hone and Elder Drake
Elder Allen and Elder Jensen
Elder Nay and Elder Rasmussen
Elder Ricks and Elder Earl
Elder Wright and Elder Gappmayer
Elder Westbury and Elder Hilton
Elder Miller and Elder Ashby
Elder Johnson and Elder Neale

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

2016-08-09 Temple Visit

Elder & Sister Charles visited a few of the sisters who will be serving in Freiberg for the temple open house. We are so grateful for our wonderful sisters.

Monday, August 8, 2016

2016-08-06 Special Language Training

Elder Charles and his wife gave our missionaries who are learning a second mission language some specialized training.

Friday, August 5, 2016

2016-08-04 Zone Conference

This past week our mission was delighted with a visit from Area Seventy Elder Charles and his wife Sister Charles. During his visit to our mission, we were privileged to be team taught by him and his wife in two Zone Conferences in Berlin and Hamburg.
"Obey the gospel with such exactness that the Holy Ghost cannot be constrained from being your constant companion. Then you will have success."
"If you want to pray generally for your investigators you can't expect God to answer your prayers. Every time you get down on your knees, you pray specifically for each investigator on your list!"
"Since when has a good feeling been enough? We have to do."

"You as a mission will do so much better if you involve your Heavenly Father"