Tuesday, March 29, 2016

2016-03 March Zone Training Meetings

Berlin Zone

Hamburg Zone

Hannover Zone

Leipzig Nord Zone

Leipzig Süd Zone

Neubrandenburg Zone

Neumünster Zone

Tempel Zone

Not shown, Oldenburg Zone

Friday, March 11, 2016

2016-03-04 Mission Leadership Counsel in Berlin

Mission Leadership Counsel with special guest, Laura Fingerle

Sunday, March 6, 2016

2016-03-03 New Missionaries And Trainers!

Thursday morning the new missionaries were paired up with their trainers and sent out to their areas!  Welcome again and thank your for your readiness to serve!

Sisters Maier and Baldwin

Elders Behrndt and Castillo

Sisters Menlove and Daines

Sisters Hendricks and Darton

Sisters Jacklin and Ellis

Sisters Baird and Föger

Sisters Sandstrom and Garnett

Sisters Ballard and Günther

Sisters Wilson and Hammer

Sisters Montierth and Ha

Elders Hite and Hansen

Sisters Jackson and Herr

Elders Morton and Hughes

Sisters Bill and Leavitt

Sisters St. John and Lichtenberg

Elders Peatross and Martinez Ramirez

Elders Peterson and Matis

Elders Foster and Merrel

Sisters Sommerfeld and Mogenson

Elders Smith and Nay

Elders Müller and Pruett

Sisters Rogers and Rose

Sisters Curry and Shoaf

Sisters Porter and Simpson

Elders Bretzing and Vasai

Sisters Hammer and Wahl

Sisters Warner and Wayment

Elders Halbleib and Weckesser

Sisters Kemsley and Willis

Elders Ashby and Wright

Saturday, March 5, 2016

2016-03-01 Finishers in Freiberg

Tuesday evening many friends and family of the missionaries gathered together in Freiberg for a testimony meeting, and to wish those heading home well.  Thank you sisters and elders for the time you have devoted to the work here in Germany!  We love you all!
Testimony Meeting in Freiberg

The Finishers at Radebeul

Sister Barlow

Sister Brim

Elder Brimhall

Sister Cady

Sister Chartrand

Elder Cook

Elder and Sister Curtis

Sister Frenkel

Elder Frost

Sister Henrie

Sister Hill

Elder and Sister Hilton

Elder Jaburek

Sister Kooyman

Sister Kronwitter

Sister Medley

Sister Mittleman

Sister Murdock

Sister Patterson

Elder Pinyon

Elder Short

Sister Sibley

Elder Thompson

Elder Timmerman

Sister Titensor

Sister Wasden

Elder Williams